Leave It Alone

There is something far deeper in all of us than our thoughts, emotions, or sensations. Even the word ‘deeper’ doesn’t quite capture it – it is not only deeper but bigger, wider, clearer, wiser, calmer. This ‘something’ is the foundation of everything else that can be experienced and the ‘space’ in which it all takesContinue reading “Leave It Alone”

Reconnecting with Sanity

In the last post, I talked about the Principles and attempted to define them based on my current understanding. In this post, I want to talk a little about what seeing the Principles at work in our lives can mean for us and how it can help us reconnect with our own sanity and wisdomContinue reading “Reconnecting with Sanity”

Vacation Mind

It’s vacation season and a client recently sent me a photograph while he was in Florida. It included a view of the ocean, a few people playing in the water, sand, his tanned ankles and feet, and closer to the camera, some pages of an article I’d given him to read about the 3 PrinciplesContinue reading “Vacation Mind”

ReBoot the Story

I had an interesting conversation with a client recently – I’ll call him ‘Joe’. He is a really bright, accomplished man who has everything in the world going for him, except… Like the rest of us, Joe has his spots that are sticky for him – covered with Velcro – you know, those places whereContinue reading “ReBoot the Story”

Give Your Thinking Away

We can all be unnecessarily attached to the form the Principle of Thought takes as our personal thinking. That sounds a little awkward, I know. The reason I phrase it like that is because it has been important for me to see the Principle of Thought as neutral and formless. Even worse, right? Let meContinue reading “Give Your Thinking Away”

The Magic Card for Couples

I usually provide this on a pocket-sized card format to couples I’m seeing. They use it to stay pointed in the right direction between our meetings. I hope you find it useful.  The Magic Card for Couples -You are always feeling your thinking in the moment; you aren’t feeling ‘the relationship’. -Your feelings are feedbackContinue reading “The Magic Card for Couples”

What’s the Point?

The point of this blog is to share my understanding of the 3 Principles (Mind, Consciousness, Thought) as discovered by the late Syd Banks. My experience of understanding the action of the principles in my own life has been a significant help to me. My intention is to write about my experience and the experiencesContinue reading “What’s the Point?”